Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Baby Girl

I'm stunned. Touched by the loss of a baby. It leaves you pondering the meaning of life, why bad things happen to good people, and whether or not the length of our lives is predestined before we ever get here. I knew that this career choice would bring with it immeasurable joy and happiness. I also knew that it would bring the exact opposite as well. I held this baby, looked into her eyes and became attached. She was beautiful. I Reiki'd her for almost a half an hour thanks to lovely hour long midwifery visits. If one death is this hard, can I handle more? I come off as being pretty tough and unaffected, but underneath it all, I am a big softy. This was a hard one to take. Makes me even more thankful for all that I have been given. I've hugged my daughter tighter, kissed her even more, and treasured the time we've spent more than ever. Thanks for the gift baby girl- you'll be on my mind.

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