Friday, May 27, 2011

Reiki for Birth Fears and Trauma

Reiki for Birth Fears and Trauma by
Tiffany Hoffman, MS, LMT, RM

Concerns during pregnancy can be a normal part of the process. Women often begin to feel the desire to protect their new child from the moment they find out they are pregnant. When those concerns become fears that detract from, rather than add to, the health and safety of the pregnancy, it may be beneficial to address them. Cultural attitudes, family beliefs, and media portrayals of the nature of birth can play into fears. Excess fear by its very nature is counterproductive to the processes of pregnancy and birth. Our bodies cannot differentiate between a true threat to our survival and a birth related fear. Both produce a very similar chemical response that bathes the mother’s body (and therefore the baby) in hormones that support the “fight-or-flight” reaction. These hormones increase your heart rate and blood pressure, increase your rate of breathing, halt the digestion process and decrease immune system functioning so that all available energy can go to the brain and muscles to escape the threat. Because mother and baby are an interconnected unit, what the mother feels the baby feels. Reiki can be employed to address fears in a safe and gentle way that can help improve the overall health of the pregnancy as well as prepare the mind and body for a healthy labor.

During labor, the stress response can also play a role in the course of labor. One theory that sheds light on the concept of fear as it relates to the process of labor is the Pain-Fear-Tension cycle. When a woman experiences fear it creates tension in the body. That muscular tension uses energy and oxygen that is needed by the contracting uterus and other essential muscles. This is compounded when a woman feels she has no available coping mechanism for the increase in pain sensations, which begins the cycle again, turning it into a downward spiral. This cycle and the woman’s stress response can literally bring labor to a halt. Adrenaline, a stress hormone, works directly against oxytocin, the hormone responsible for uterine contractions. The term “failure to progress” during labor can refer to multiple reasons why labor stalls, including physical and emotional causes. If a woman is in an environment, mentally or physically, that makes her feel afraid, the release of adrenaline and other stress hormones will slow labor to ensure that the mother can get to a safe place and give the greatest chance of survival to her offspring. Ina May Gaskin explains this phenomenon called “Sphincter Law”. The cervix is a muscular sphincter that serves to keep the uterus closed and as such responds the same way as those sphincters involved in urination and defecation. In an environment that does not provide privacy and intimacy, these sphincters have a much more difficult time relaxing. Think about what happened the last time you were using the restroom and someone walked in unexpectedly. Everything stops until you again feel safe and comfortable. High levels of adrenaline actually can prevent these sphincters from opening and will prevent the cervix from fully dilating. This can start an unwanted cascade of interventions.

Birth is a primal behavior that is best governed by the brain stem. When women are plagued with constant fears, worries, and thoughts they engage the cognitive part of their brain that does not aid, and very often inhibits, the birthing process. By addressing the fear and working to physically reduce the tension, the spiral can be avoided or reversed and women may be better able to give themselves over to this primal process. When fears have been identified and strategies for coping have been employed, the birth process is more likely to proceed in a normal fashion.

Pain and Anxiety Reduction During Labor
Because Reiki induces relaxation, it reduces the perception of pain and helps the laboring woman rest when necessary and conserve her energy during the physically challenging process of labor. Reiki can also help reduce blood pressure, allowing for vital oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to the baby.

Previous Traumatic Birth Experience
Some woman have found difficulty in adjusting to life and parenthood following a traumatic birth experience. Other woman may be expecting an additional child and may want to work through the past experience before going into labor again. Reiki can help the mother resolve lingering feelings and negativity from a previous experience.

History of Sexual Assault or Abuse
Birth is a personal and intimate process involving the same anatomical parts as sexual activity. The process of labor and birth can often unexpectedly trigger emotions and memories of previous sexual abuse or assault. Some women may not remember the abuse, but repressed memories stored in the body can be triggered during labor and birth. Common triggers can be words used by caregivers (“relax, it won‘t hurt as much”, “give in”, “don’t fight it”), loss of control, invasive exams, pain in the same area as the abuse, exposure, and mistrust of strangers or authority figures. One often overlooked effect of sexual abuse/assault is its impact on breastfeeding. Reiki sessions geared towards finding possible triggers and corresponding coping mechanisms can help improve the birth experience.

Pregnancy Loss, Stillbirth, or the Loss of a Child
The loss of a pregnancy or death of a child can be one of the most devastating life experiences. Women who have been deeply affected by loss can use Reiki to continue through the grieving process, find closure or manage fears and concerns regarding a current or future pregnancy or birth. Reiki can also address the physical body and the effects of stress inherent to loss.

Reiki for Pregnancy and Labor Preparation

Reiki for Pregnancy and Labor Preparation
By Tiffany Hoffman, MS, LMT, RM

What is Reiki?
Reiki is an ancient Japanese form of energy work that calms the portion of the autonomic nervous system which is involved in the “fight or flight” response. Calming this portion of the nervous system brings about the relaxation response which improves digestion, decreases heart rate and blood pressure, slows breathing, and can improve sleep. It involves hand placements that affect the flow of energy throughout the body and is a safe, gentle way to produce favorable change. For expecting women, Reiki offers a safe space to release fears and let go of worries, while connecting with their body and their baby. Reiki is non-invasive and can benefit a wide range of ailments. The calming effect on the nervous system aids the body in repairing and healing itself as the body is able to more effectively utilize energy and nutrients that were being diverted to other areas to ensure survival. In chronic stress, the energy that is used to digest food and perform much needed bodily maintenance is used instead to ready the body to defend itself or run. This consistently heightened state of stress eventually wreaks havoc on the body.
One benefit of a nervous system that is calm is deeper, more restorative sleep. During deep sleep is when the body does the bulk of its repairs that serve to maintain health. Another benefit is a reduced perception of pain. The nervous system in a heightened state helps us address those areas that need attention by making us more aware of pain. During pregnancy, the normal changes that accompany the growing baby can cause discomfort, and by calming the nervous system, these discomforts can be reduced or eliminated.

For these reasons and more, Reiki is becoming more widely used in various settings including emergency rooms, ambulances, hospices and other medical settings throughout the country. Hartford Hospital in Hartford, Connecticut conducted a study using Reiki during pregnancy with the following results:
94% reduction in stress and anxiety
78% reduction in pain
80% reduction in nausea and morning sickness
86% improvement in quality of sleep

Effects of High Levels of Stress During Pregnancy
Everyone experiences stress to some degree. Often times it isn’t the amount of stress that matters, but how it is dealt with. Finding a coping mechanism that allows healthy release of tension or induces relaxation can make all the difference. When there is no coping mechanism for stress, risk of certain conditions during pregnancy can increase, such as:
Increased risk of premature delivery
Increased risk of low birth weight
Increased Blood Pressure
Increased Heart Rate
Increased risk of chronic anxiety

Along with a well-balanced diet and regular exercise, Reiki can be a useful tool in coping with the stresses of everyday life.

Which Conditions or Situations Can Be Helped with Reiki for the Childbearing Woman?

The ways in which stress may affect fertility are different for every woman. Reiki can help the body find a state of homeostasis that allows for deep, regenerative sleep, hormonal balancing and emotional healing that can increase the body’s ability to perform all biological processes, including reproduction. It works well in conjunction with assisted fertility technologies as well as natural conception.

Overall Pregnancy Health
Reiki induces the relaxation response which allows the body to use available resources to improve overall health. Reiki also creates a safe environment to address concerns regarding pregnancy, birth and parenting. Some other benefits include:
Easing morning sickness
Reducing tension felt in the joints
Can help reduce blood pressure
Improves immune system function
Restoring energy and reducing fatigue
Helps the mother prepare physically, emotionally and spiritually for birth
Can increase positive, loving feelings towards the baby
Decreases feelings of anxiety

Pain and Anxiety Reduction During Labor
Because Reiki induces relaxation, it reduces the perception of pain and helps the laboring woman rest when necessary and conserve her energy during the physically challenging process of labor. Reiki can also help reduce blood pressure, allowing for vital oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to the baby. (See our article on Reiki for Birth Fears and Trauma for more information)

Surgical Birth
Reiki can calm the mind and ready the body prior to the surgery and speed recovery and healing following the birth. Fears regarding surgery and the implications of surgical birth can also be addressed.

Stressful Life or Work Situation
As discussed in the section on birth fears, chronic stress can have a negative impact on the health of the mother and the baby. By calming the sympathetic portion of the nervous system, Reiki can help create a state of mind in which handling the stresses of life seems easier and more doable with less anxiety.

Transitioning During the Postpartum Period
After labor and birth, the mother’s body begins its transition to the pre-pregnancy state. Reiki can hasten this recovery by decreasing pain and discomfort as well as speeding healing. Reiki can also help with the hormonal transitioning after birth that can often feel like a “hormonal rollercoaster” and minimize the feeling of “baby blues”. Mild depression, difficulty bonding, and difficulties with breastfeeding may respond positively with Reiki. Receiving Reiki can also help the effectiveness of sessions with other mental health providers.
Whether the birth experience is positive or negative, it is a transformative experience that is integrated into a woman’s new sense of self and her role as a woman and as a mother. Having the opportunity to process this experience can often ease the transition to motherhood.

Reiki for the Newborn
Birth is a major transition for newborns, going from a protected, intimate, fluid environment where everything is immediately provided to an air filled environment where they must communicate all of their needs. Reiki can help calm their newly bombarded nervous system within moments promoting a feeling of peace and safety. Reiki can easily be done with the newborn skin-to-skin with the new mother. Reiki is especially helpful for newborns after a long or hard birth, after a long separation from their mother, or while in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Babies born to mothers who received Reiki during their pregnancy very often recognize the feeling of Reiki and respond almost immediately.

Reiki is an ancient modality that is again gaining popularity. This natural, safe, and non-invasive way of reducing stress and connecting with your growing baby can be incredibly empowering and healing.